Friday, June 13, 2014

What Happens When the Love is Gone?

When love leaves, what do you do?  Where do you go?  How do you feel?  Well, if you’re looking for answers from me, you are definitely looking at the wrong person.  I have no answers to those questions.  Of course, I have had some crazy breakups, but getting over those men weren’t too hard for me.  It’s not that I don’t have a pulse.  It’s just that I don’t have the need to wallow in self-pity.  You have the right to feel heartbroken after a breakup, but there has to be something that can help with the emotional part of it all.
When I was about 28 years old, I was dating this guy from my church.  We had been dating for three years and BOOM!  It was over.  What happened?  Who knows what happened at that point?  Maybe it was because he was younger than me.  We were four years apart so it was possible that I was more mature for him, and he couldn't handle it.  It could be that he didn’t really know what he wanted.  Well, he was pretty easy to get over after a month.  Let’s see…let’s look at a few facts:
  • I was older than him.
  • I had a great job.
  • I made more money than him.
  • I had a bachelor's degree. (He didn't have a degree.)
  • I didn't argue about everything.  (He started most of the arguments, usually.)
  • I am a social butterfly.  (He barely spoke at all.)

Do I sound like a snob?  I’m definitely far from that.  I just know what I want, and I think that I am a valuable commodity.  Why should I settle for just anybody?  The crazy part about that breakup was that HE broke up with ME.  I know.  Weird right?  He claimed that we argued too much when he started most of the arguments.  I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.  At the time, I wondered if the age difference had anything to do with that breakup.  I can’t even say that because there are couples where there is a 10 year age difference, and they seem to work well together.  So what was the problem, and why was I crying so hard when he and I broke up?  I cried for a week over this guy.  Was it worth my tears?  Well, when I started to think about how much better than him I was (I felt this way at the time.), I started to cheer up rather quickly.  I still tried to figure out why I was crying.  I must admit that I was truly heartbroken.

Breakups are never easy to get over.  Even if there are some people that get over relationships faster than others, there is a period of sadness between each relationship that has ended.  Sometimes I feel as though I don’t have the energy to deal with a new relationship.  Relationships are hard, and if you don’t make the time to devote to it, it will definitely “take a nose dive”. 

When you lose a love, it’s similar to a death.  It vanishes leaving you with emptiness in your soul.  You get used to being in love with the individual.  The two of you have become one; now you have to figure out how to cope and spend time with yourself.  For instance, you become used to making dinner for two.  If the habit progresses, you will always have an excess of food.  Your strolls through the park will be much lonelier now that your love is gone.  You’ll now have to figure out if you want to bring along one of your friends or just try to enjoy those strolls alone.  Whatever you decide, it will be beneficial for you to not negate what you used to do just because you’re not in a relationship anymore.  Love yourself, and don’t worry too much about those lost loves.  Either they will come back to you, or another one will be waiting in the wings.

Everyone is looking for love. Are you?  That's okay. You deserve to have someone say, "I love you".

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