Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bad Bitches: Where is it Written?

Is dignity extinct?  Is it so terrible to be respectful?  Of course, we are all familiar with the phrase, “All men are dogs.”  That statement simply isn't true.  Not all men are “wanna be players”, and not all men objectify women.  It takes a sophisticated man to treat a woman with respect.  What about the titles given to women?  The term bad bitch has become synonymous with good-looking women.  Some women feel admired when men call them bad bitch.  The trouble that I have with that phrase?  My problem with the phrase bad bitch is that it sounds like a term for someone that has no respect for women.  Whatever happened to the days when women had enough self-respect to not let any man disregard them?

Personally, I don’t like being called a bitch.  One day, I asked one of my guy friends, “What is a bad bitch supposed to mean?”  He told me that it means a pretty woman.  Seriously?  So my friend furthered his answer and said, “You would be considered a bad bitch.”  At first I was flattered because that’s not the first time that I have been called a bad bitch; however, when my friend and I talked, I realized that the phrase was politically incorrect.  It seems as though no matter what we do, women will always be some kind of bitch.  If we’re evil, we’re a bitch.  If we’re gorgeous, we’re a bad bitch.  Where is it written?
I can remember growing up, and when a guy thought I was pretty, he did something out of the “ordinary”.  He did something that the generation of today wouldn't think imaginable.  Guess what he would say?  He would just say that I was…PRETTY.  That’s it!  I wasn't a bitch.  I was pretty.  What happened to this society?  What happened to guys treating women with respect by not calling us out of our names?  When did I become a bad bitch?  Recently, a young guy called me a bad bitch.  I didn't know what to say.  I think I said, “Why am I a bitch.”  Obviously, I knew that it was his way of complimenting me, but there’s no need for that type of compliment.

Everyone blames rap music for this type of behavior.  I can’t really say that I don’t blame rap music.  Many rappers use the term bad bitch to mean gorgeous women with long hair (usually a weave) and a big behind.  Okay, there’s nothing wrong with looking this way, but why exploit these women?  Why?  Not to mention that they’re being called bad bitch in these rap songs.  It’s truly unimaginable.  Where’s the respect?

Of course, men are not the only people to blame here.  There are many women that are seriously fine with men calling them out of their name.  Why is that?  If it’s for a rap video, they probably accept this behavior because they’re getting paid for it.  In my opinion, that is so pathetic.  So it’s okay to disrespect me if you’re paying me?  In what world is that ever acceptable?  Is your self-esteem that low?  Women need to stand up and tell these guys that they are not bitches, and then maybe someone will take notice.  Get it together girl, and attain some self-respect.

Bad bitch” is a terrible phrase made up by someone who is ignorant.  I don’t care who the female is; she deserves to be respected.  The one thing that I don’t understand is that if you’re a man with a mother, sister, daughter, wife, girlfriend, or female friends, how can you subject yourself to such crude behavior?  It’s time for an overhaul in manners for the men and an overhaul in dignity for women.  Let’s be smarter in what we say and do.  There’s no need to sell your soul.

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